Was re-reading an old blog post, in a thoughtful mood on morning after 24+ hours awake (as you do when switching sleeping pattern on the night shift).
I obviously needed the sleep this weekend, as I had 25hrs sleep in 40hrs (18 of them in the first 24hrs).. At the same time as it wasn't the best of weekends to sleep away, since it's the last weekend I've got before I go to New York on Friday, I'm glad I did catch up on the sleep. Have been feeling absolutely shattered this week, to the point of feeling like I was hung over, and was feeling like all I'd want to do on my holiday would be to sleep. Having a moment of geekyness testing out the Logitech keyboard for my iPad, and posting on my blog from my iPad (for the first time), all at the same time :) The keyboard I've had since not long after I got the iPad, I've just not used it. It doubles as a cover for the iPad and you stand the iPad up in it when using it, so it's almost like you've got a little laptop. It's really good, and I'll be taking my iPad and the keyboard on my holiday rather than my laptop. Working on this "travelling light" thing.
I should really get on with sorting some more stuff out that I need to do before Thursday night, and put away my iPhone/iPad/laptop and other distractions. Need to up the pace with regards to productiveness today having slept most of the weekend, especially since I'm back at work tonight.
Having passed the 5 year mark at work in January (still can't believe it's been 5 years already) I got a BonusBond voucher for long service, and I ended up using it towards buying myself the Canon EOS M. It's a compact system camera and you can change the lenses on it as you would on an SLR, but it's considerably smaller. With the camera I also bought a Canon mount adapter which basically allows me to attach any EF mount lens that fits on my Canon 600D DSLR. The below is the Canon EF-M 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM lens that came with the Canon EOS M, and my MacBook Pro in the background. Took it using the Canon EF 40mm lens attached with the mount adapter as one of the first few photos whilst testing the adapter.
New glasses as of two weeks ago. My geek glasses :)As I've been battling a cold for the best part of the week, this weeks photo was taken from the comfort of my sofa..
Day 29: 08-Nov-2013
Has to be said, Evernote is one of my favourite apps and I use it on a pretty much daily basis. They do mobile apps as well as desktop apps, it's free, and will let you sync notes between your devices on your account. Used my Lensbaby Composer lens for the first time in a while when taking today's photo, and I think I have to get it out more often :)
Day 24: 03-Nov-2013
Ok, so yesterday I spent most of the day on my sofa feeling like I was coughing my lungs up (stupid cold.. :/ ) and had an afternoon nap (after having not gotten much sleep during the night). So, to sum things up I didn’t get much done yesterday. Which is also why the photo for yesterday was a bit of a last minute thing, and technically it was probably taken after midnight.. But my 30-day challenge, my rules - so I say it still counts ;)
Day 25: 04-Nov-2013
Lovely day today - clear blue sky and a bit cold :) ventured as far as the alleyway that my front door faces onto ;P still, it’s the first time I’ve even opened the front door since getting back from town on Saturday. At least I got a bit of fresh air, and the photo turned out alright as well :)
Have that weird feeling where it feels like I've been off work for more than 4 days, but at the same time it feels like my long weekend has gone by in a flash. Not gotten as much done as I wanted to - maybe partially due to feeling completely out of it for most of Saturday and sleeping half of Sunday away. I seem to get to Saturday afternoon and then I crash and burn these days, and the work "hangover" sets in where I literally feel hung over despite not having had a drop of alcohol.
Today has been a bit of a geeky day, at least in the afternoon, but I also managed to go out with my camera for a bit whilst there was a brief break in all the raining. Actually trying to decide which photo to use for today for my 30-day challenge that I'm doing. Narrowed it down from three to two so far - all of them of the same motif.
On a geeky note, I've managed to find an iOS emulator (which was included in Xcode - a free IDE for coding/web development). So I can now test my website in that without potentially breaking my actual live site/blog/galleries, because at the moment it's not very readable on a mobile. Will be trying to sort it out in the week, if nothing else next weekend.
This was my desk this afternoon :) You'd think with having a job where I spend 7.5hrs (or 8.5hrs when I work through my lunch) in front of a computer that I wouldn't want to spend my weekend in front of one. But on the weekend it's by choice, and it's doing things I enjoy (although I enjoy my job as well).
Watched the Apple event this evening, and was very pleasantly surprised at them offering OS X Mavericks for free. When I upgraded from OS X Lion to OS X Mountain Lion on my laptop when Mountain Lion was released it was only £13.99 which isn't exactly extortionate, especially how much it used to cost to upgrade Windows. But being rather (very much) skint until January I was planning on putting it off until then to upgrade OS X my iMac and Macbook Pro. However, now I can upgrade for free :D Happy days :)
In fact, this is what shows up in the App Store now :) Another project for next weekend ;)