Have that weird feeling where it feels like I've been off work for more than 4 days, but at the same time it feels like my long weekend has gone by in a flash. Not gotten as much done as I wanted to - maybe partially due to feeling completely out of it for most of Saturday and sleeping half of Sunday away. I seem to get to Saturday afternoon and then I crash and burn these days, and the work "hangover" sets in where I literally feel hung over despite not having had a drop of alcohol.
Today has been a bit of a geeky day, at least in the afternoon, but I also managed to go out with my camera for a bit whilst there was a brief break in all the raining. Actually trying to decide which photo to use for today for my 30-day challenge that I'm doing. Narrowed it down from three to two so far - all of them of the same motif.
On a geeky note, I've managed to find an iOS emulator (which was included in Xcode - a free IDE for coding/web development). So I can now test my website in that without potentially breaking my actual live site/blog/galleries, because at the moment it's not very readable on a mobile. Will be trying to sort it out in the week, if nothing else next weekend.
This was my desk this afternoon :) You'd think with having a job where I spend 7.5hrs (or 8.5hrs when I work through my lunch) in front of a computer that I wouldn't want to spend my weekend in front of one. But on the weekend it's by choice, and it's doing things I enjoy (although I enjoy my job as well).
Watched the Apple event this evening, and was very pleasantly surprised at them offering OS X Mavericks for free. When I upgraded from OS X Lion to OS X Mountain Lion on my laptop when Mountain Lion was released it was only £13.99 which isn't exactly extortionate, especially how much it used to cost to upgrade Windows. But being rather (very much) skint until January I was planning on putting it off until then to upgrade OS X my iMac and Macbook Pro. However, now I can upgrade for free :D Happy days :)
In fact, this is what shows up in the App Store now :) Another project for next weekend ;)