Have managed the build up a bit of a back-log over the last few days, so here's days 12-15 all in one go.
Day 12: 22-Oct-2013
Banksy "style" graffiti near one of the local pubs. It is a Banksy motif, but I doubt it's actually by him. I love the motif though, and it's one that's involved in my "if I were to get another tattoo"-plans.
Day 13: 23-Oct-2013
Autumn is coming. The weather has been warm, if not at least mild, for it getting to the end of October. But the colour of the leaves have started to change and they have started coming off the the trees.
Day 14: 24-Oct-2013
Student (I think) housing next to church.
Day 15: 25-Oct-2013
The Message.